Be the Manager People Won't Leave(215268)

With the "Great Reshuffle," employees are quitting their jobs at the highest rates in over 20 years, and 41% of the global workforce is considering leaving their jobs. Manager relationships are becoming the make-or-break point for whether employees stay or go. Join veteran HR leader Laurie Ruettimann as she reveals the data behind why it's more important than ever to be a manager who demonstrates empathy and inspires loyalty from the workforce. Laurie covers basics first: be someone people can trust, be an example of integrity, and be relentlessly inclusive. She steps you through ways to inspire your employees to grow. Laurie finishes up by showing you how you can help your team members love their work by being a next-level mentor, a fun-loving boss, and a leader who is genuinely invested in your employees’ well-being.
مدت زمان: 28 دقیقه
  • Content

    • Be the Manager People Won't Leave