Architectural Design Project Type Basics(223853)

We all occupy physical space and whether we realize it or not, our built environment affects us on many levels, from our mood to our health to our productivity and even creativity. If you’re interested in architecture, becoming aware of how space affects you personally is the first step towards building a vocabulary for architectural design. In this course, architect Branka Knezevic illustrates how space can affect your physical and mental state, the bottom lines and operations of companies and institutions, and the cultural and social welfare of the public. Branka uses real-life examples from her own practice Plana Architects to highlight a number of project types, including residential, office, education, healthcare, and retail, and the different design considerations for each. For each building type, she also explains perhaps the most important factor: how the design of these buildings affects the people occupying them.
مدت زمان: 62 دقیقه
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    • Architectural Design Project Type Basics