Four Questions to Help You Manage Poor Performance by Tasha Eurich

Dealing with poor performers is one of the quintessential challenges that all leaders face. There are often many other reasons employees are performing poorly than the fact that they can't do their jobs. Here are four questions you can answer to help you diagnose or understand the root of poor performance. On average, managers spend 34 days a year dealing with performance problems. First question: Does this employee really understand my expectations? Second question: Does my employee have something outside of their control that's preventing them from performing? Third question: Does my employee know they're not performing up to my expectations? Fourth question: Am I in some way contributing to this performance problem? It is important to recognize the role you play in helping your employees to be successful. If you have gone through these questions, and the performance issue is still there, it may be time to face reality where you will both be better off.
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    • Four Questions to Help You Manage Poor Performance by Tasha Eurich