Course catalog


Showing 21-40 of 8,870 items.

20 Habits of Executive Leadership (216866)

There are thousands of books and entire workshops on the high-level strategies of executive leadership. But what about the daily minutiae of leadership? How do you, as an executive leader, balance everything on your shoulders and still stay sane? How do you achieve a balance between quality of life and leading your organization to success? In this course, Aaron Marshall offers 20 manageable and beneficial habits you can build into your life to help you flourish as an executive leader. As the chief operating officer of the Santa Barbara Zoo, Aaron has a long history of managing executive leadership with thoughtfulness and intention. He teaches you habits to keep you grounded and habits to help you stay disciplined, habits for handling your relationships, and habits to become a more discerning thinker. And best of all, these habits can easily be integrated into your life, starting today.

This course was created by Madecraft. We are pleased to host this training in our library.


20 Questions to Help You Start a Business

Got a great idea for a business? Learn the 20 questions you should know the answer to before you get started.

20 Questions to Improve Learning at Your Organization (217716)

There is a simple set of questions that can help you improve the learning and development of your employees. In this powerful, short course from Britt Andreatta, PhD, you can learn how to effectively deliver powerful learning experiences by answering these 20 questions. Learn how to understand needs, solve learning problems, and design learning experiences that get results. Britt also shares how to conduct learning events, extend learning to make it really stick, and measure your results.

This course was created by Madecraft. We are pleased to host this training in our library.


20 Rules for Visual Communication (217189)

How can you communicate information more visually? Instructor Amy Balliett has you covered. In this course, she introduces you to 20 rules that go into the “why,” the “who,” and the “how” of effective visual communication. For example, with Rule 3: Commit to quality, Amy shows you how to determine what makes content high quality and offers you a simple test to determine if your visual content meets or exceeds standards. With Rule 8: Different problems have different solutions, she discusses how to identify the right creative content solution for the problem that you’re trying to address with visual content. Throughout the course, Amy’s rules step through practical strategies and useful details that empower you to revolutionize your own content and brand strategy. Amy also explains which rules can be broken and how to break them.

20 Unofficial Rules of Songwriting

Professional songwriter Cliff Goldmacher reveals 20 unofficial songwriting rules that can make your songs more engaging and memorable.

21 Foundations of Animation

Learn the 21 foundations of animation: universal principles that can be used to create high-quality animation in any style or medium, including hand-drawn and digital animation.

21 Opportunities for Better Networking

Expanding your contacts can lead to strong connections, increased support, and success in business and life. Discover 21 tips to help you become a more effective networker.

21-Day Creative Exercise Desk Challenge

Follow along with 21 days of desk-based creative exercises that show you have everything you need to be your creative best—right in front of you.

21-Day Drawing Challenge

Take 21-day journey to improve your drawing skills and incorporate drawing into your life as a daily practice.

27 Practical Tips for Songwriters

Join professional songwriter Cliff Goldmacher as he explores the craft and business of songwriting. Explore practical solutions to common problems, in short self-contained lessons.

2D Animation: Animal Walk Cycles

Discover how to animate four-legged animals as they walk, trot, and run. Learn 2D animation techniques for making these motions look realistic or cartoony.

2D Animation: Animate Flying Creatures

Learn how to animate the motions and anatomies of different flying creatures—from insects, to birds, to dragons.

2D Animation: Animate Monsters & Aliens

Learn 2D animation techniques for making monsters, aliens, and other supernatural creatures come to life.

2D Animation: Character & Attitude Walk Cycles

Learn 2D animation techniques to express personality, body type, and attitude in a walk cycle, and turn walks into full-on runs.

2D Animation: Tips & Tricks

Get a new 2D animation tip every Tuesday. Learn the tricks professional animators use to save time and create more compelling characters.

2D Animation: Walk Cycles Basics

Learn how to create a walk cycle for 2D animation. This tutorial is appropriate for all levels of animators, using any software.

2D Game Design and Development Essential Training

Learn everything you need to know to design and develop your first 2D game, from choosing a game engine, building artwork, and adding sound to publishing the finished game.

31 Music Business Tips for Songwriters

Build your songwriting business with advice from a renowned songwriter. This course offers a month's worth of daily tips to help you build your network and sell more songs.

32 Ways to Make Extra Money

Find inspiration in 32 unconventional, unexpected ideas for generating income with your own unique project—a side hustle—during your off-hours.

360 Video Production and Post (2019)

Get an overview of what 360 is, learn about some of the 360 tools currently available on the market, and discover how to leverage those tools in your workflow.