Course catalog


Showing 1-8 of 8 items.

8 steps to successful career planning

Career planning is the process by which an individual takes time to plan his or her job path and moves-both short-term and long-term.

Effective Career Conversation With Manager

If you want to clarify your career aspirations, have your manager’s perspective on your career aspirations and structure your career conversation, use these guides to be more prepared for career conversation with your manager. How do you assess your role in your team career development!? (Managers Guide): 1. how you can have Successful career discussion with your employees about their career path? 2. how you can control your employees career conversation meeting?

How do you assess your role in your team career development

At the end of the course, you'll learn the definition of mentee and mentor and the mentorship itself. You'll know more about the process, model and advantages of mentorship for mentee and mentor. As a mentee or mentor, or even if you'd like to know more about mentorship, this course is perfectly suitable for you.

How to choose a career

The majority of working people, by their own admission, do not feel fully challenged by their current jobs. If you find yourself in that position, you may want to consider a new career path. It can be scary, but hopefully, with some guidance, that decision will become more within your reach.

Self Directed Career

In a world where the average employee sends and receives 122 emails per day and attends an average of 62 meetings per month, your boss or HR simply doesn’t have the time or bandwidth to properly think through how best to deploy your talents moving forward. Instead, we have to take control of our career planning to ensure we’re putting ourselves in position for long-term growth.