Course catalog


Showing 1-15 of 15 items.

Advanced Consumer Behavior

Join thought leader Michael Solomon as he takes a deep dive into the internal and external forces that influence consumer behavior.

CMO Foundations: Cause Marketing

Learn how to align your organization's marketing with causes that create real impact for your business.

Email Marketing: Drip Campaigns

Learn how to run successful drip campaigns to retarget your customers with marketing automation.

Influencer Marketing Foundations

Discover how to use influencer marketing—key partnerships with influential peers and personalities—to promote your business.

Local Marketing Foundations

Learn how to market a business to local customers using Google, Yelp, Facebook, and other local marketing tools and best practices.

Marketing Foundations: Personalization

Learn the principles of marketing personalization, and strategies to put personalization to work in your campaigns.

Marketing on Facebook: Managing a Company Page

Learn how to manage a company page on Facebook. Discover great ideas on content, methodologies, and strategies for success.

Marketing on Instagram

Learn how to market your product or service on Instagram. Explore features and strategies that can help you boost your sales and online presence using the popular social platform.

Marketing to Humans

Marketing is for humans—not machines. Find out how to put your marketing campaigns back in touch with the people that buy your products and services.

Marketing to Millennials

Learn all about marketing to the largest buying segment in the economy—millennials.

Marketing: On Assignment

Get marketing tips for the modern age. Popular YouTuber Curtis Richardson delivers two-minute tips on branding, seasonal marketing, viral videos, and more.

Selling and Marketing Your Products on Amazon

Learn how to sell and market your products on one of the internet’s most bustling marketplaces: Amazon.

Start a Side Hustle

Capitalize on your creative skills without quitting your day job. Learn how to jump-start a side hustle that earns you a brand-new source of income.

The Marketing of Cool

Learn with YouTuber Curtrichy as he uncovers what makes something "cool" and how to leverage cool for marketing and business.

Voice Search Marketing

Discover tools and techniques to optimize your site, content, and marketing strategies for voice-activated search.