Course catalog


Showing 1-17 of 17 items.

Conquering Writer's Block

Conquer writer’s block. Discover practical techniques to eliminate writer’s block and become the prolific, inspired writer you want to be.

Crafting Dynamic Characters

To craft dynamic characters, you must remember this: connection. Learn from a bestselling author and story coach how to conceive and write memorable characters.

Develop Blockbuster Story Ideas That Sell

Get proven methods to brainstorm best-selling book and movie ideas from a successful author.

Editing Mastery: How to Edit Writing to Perfection

Discover how to become an outstanding editor. Learn practical techniques that can help you transform almost any piece of nonfiction writing into magnificent, sparkling prose.

Ninja Writing: The Four Levels of Writing Mastery

Explore tactics that can dramatically improve your writing. Learn about the power of the four levels—narrative, paragraphs, sentences, and words—to make your writing stand out.

Productivity Hacks for Writers

Learn how to increase your writing productivity. Get hacks to eliminate distractions, improve your focus, and set up routines that enable maximum creativity and efficiency.

Scrivener Essential Training

Learn how to get started with Scrivener, a popular tool for writing long-form projects.

Sell Your Novel to a Major Publisher

Get an insider's guide to selling your book and becoming a paid, published author.

Technical Writing: Quick Start Guides

Learn a step-by-step process for writing a quickstart guide to accompany a product or software.

The Foundations of Fiction

Learn how to write compelling novels, memoirs, short stories, or screenplays. Explore the fundamentals of great fiction and get practical tips to you sharpen your own writing.

Tips for Better Business Writing

Become a better business writer. Learn how to improve the quality and impact of your writing with these short, actionable tips.

Writing a Compelling Blog Post

Learn how to craft compelling blog posts that help you build an audience—while building your brand.

Writing Articles

Find out how to write articles for blogs, newsletters, and major publications. Learn all the steps, from pitching your story to promoting your article online.

Writing in Plain Language

Learn to write in plain language and help your readers understand and act on your documents and content.

Writing to be Heard on LinkedIn

Get practical advice on how to write great posts and create conversations around your ideas on LinkedIn.

Writing with Flair: How to Become an Exceptional Writer

Learn practical tips to improve your writing. Explore the mindset of an elite writer and learn what top wordsmiths do to keep their writing purposeful, concise, and a joy to read.

Writing with Impact

Learn how to write anything with maximum impact. Get tips for making your writing concise, clear, and right for its specific purpose.