Course catalog


Showing 1-7 of 7 items.

Guy Kawasaki on How to Rock Social Media

Influencer Guy Kawasaki shares his top techniques for personal and professional social media success on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Learning Facebook

Learn how to use Facebook to connect with friends and family. Discover how to build your friends list, share status updates and photos, adjust privacy settings, and more.

Learning Instagram

Get up to speed quickly with Instagram, the wildly popular photo-sharing social network.

LinkedIn for Veterans

LinkedIn seeks to helps veterans take the next step in their careers. Learn how to use LinkedIn to grow your network, learn new skills, and find job opportunities.

Publishing on LinkedIn for College Students and Young Professionals

Learn how to leverage the world-class LinkedIn publishing platform to showcase your ideas and skills and gain the attention of peers, recruiters, and future employers.

Successful Networking

Make networking pay off for you. This course provides practical strategies for approaching any and all networking situations with confidence.

Twitter Essential Training

Learn how to compose and reshare tweets, connect with friends, and join the conversation on Twitter.