Course catalog


Showing 21-40 of 1,168 items.

Advanced iOS App Development: Core Motion

Add motion detection and reporting to your iOS apps with Core Motion. Learn to push and pull motion data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, and other hardware.

Advanced iOS App Development: MapKit & Core Location

Get advanced development techniques to add location awareness, directions, and interactive maps to your iOS applications, with the MapKit and Core Location frameworks.

Advanced iOS Development: Keychain Access

Learn how to give your iOS app the ability to store local, encrypted data like IDs, passwords, and credit card numbers using the keychain.

Advanced Java Programming

Expand your programming skills and learn how to get more out of the Java language and platform. Discover how to leverage some of the language’s more advanced features.

Advanced JMeter

Explore advanced techniques to make performance testing with JMeter even more productive. Learn how to record test scripts, log in to web applications for testing, and more.

Advanced Laravel

Learn how to get the most out of Laravel when working with controllers, routes, views, the Eloquent ORM, and more.

Advanced Node.js

Learn advanced techniques for asynchronous programming and data streaming in Node.js.

Advanced Node.js: Scaling Applications

Explore sophisticated programming techniques that can help you scale your Node.js applications, including cloning, database scaling, and decomposing apps into microservices.

Advanced npm

Take your npm skills to the next level. Learn how to publish packages, execute audits, and master advanced npm commands and functions.

Advanced PHP

Explore advanced uses of PHP, the server-side scripting language. Learn about namespaces, traits, object-oriented programming, abstract classes, iterators, generators, and more.

Advanced PHP: Debugging Techniques

Discover how to use built-in PHP tools, as well as the Xdebug and Firebug extensions and FirePHP library, to improve the quality of your code and reduce troubleshooting overhead.

Advanced Python

Develop advanced Python scripting skills. Learn to leverage next-level Python features such as object-oriented special class methods.

Advanced Python: Working with Databases

Explore the database options for powering your Python apps. Learn how to create and connect to different types of databases, including SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

Advanced Responsive Layouts with CSS Flexbox

Learn how to use the CSS Flexible Box Layout module (aka Flexbox) to create advanced responsive layouts.

Advanced Selenium: 3 Synchronization Strategies

Put an end to flaky tests. Learn how to effectively synchronize your test code with the application state using Selenium WebDriver.

Advanced Selenium: Automation Frameworks

Learn how to develop a custom test automation framework with Selenium and your programming language of choice: Ruby, Node.js, or Java.

Advanced Selenium: Support Classes

Automate more effectively using support classes within Selenium WebDriver. Learn about element abstractions, locators, state and element synchronization, and more.

Advanced Spring: Effective Integration Testing with Spring Boot

Learn how to write several types of integration testing for both web and client applications, using Spring Boot.

Advanced SQL – Logical Query Processing

Gain a deep understanding of how the database processes SQL queries, improve your programming skills, and learn to effortlessly read, write, and troubleshoot SQL queries.

Advanced SQL for Application Development

Build scalable and resilient databases to support any application. Learn how to write optimized SQL, use indexes, partition data, and use established design patterns.