Course catalog


Showing 221-240 of 1,168 items.

C++ Best Practices for Developers

Learn best practices that can help you produce higher-quality C++ code. Learn how to leverage several helpful tools and new features in C++.

C++ Design Patterns: Creational

Explore the five most popular creational design patterns for C++: Factory, Abstract Factory, Builder, Prototype, and Singleton.

C++ Essential Training

Learn C++ programming, starting with the basics. Explore C++ syntax, operators, loops, functions, data structures, classes, templates, and more.

C++ Essential Training for Career Changers

Get started with a core programming language—C++. Learn how to compile and run C++ programs, create variables, work with data, and more.

C++ IDE Overview

Finding the right IDE is critical to being a productive programmer. Explore six popular IDEs for C++: NetBeans, CodeLite, CLion, Eclipse, Xcode, and Visual Studio Community.

C++ Standard Template Library

Learn how to use elements from the C++ Standard Template Library, such as sequence and associative containers, to create more efficient, performant, and reusable code.

C++ Templates and the STL

Continue your C++ programming journey. Learn how to work with templates and the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).

C++: Advanced Topics

Deepen your understanding of C++. Learn about some of the more advanced aspects of this core programming language, from smart pointers to move semantics.

Career Insights for Tech Professionals

Get targeted advice for today's software developer and tech professional, on topics such as continuous learning, communication, freelancing, and mentorship.

Careers in Web Design and Development

Learn about career paths in web design and development, the skills required to be successful, and how you can get started in this field.

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Cert Prep: The Basics

Get an overview of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam. Explore the benefits of the certification and the ten domains of the exam.

Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

What makes a great chief technology officer (CTO)? Learn the essentials, such as how to cultivate an engineering team, manage the product life cycle, and choose the right platform.

Choosing a Cross-Platform Development Tool

Need to determine which cross-platform mobile development tool is right for your project? This course delves into five popular frameworks to help you make the right call.

Choosing a Cross-Platform Development Tool: Cordova, Ionic, React Native, Titanium, and Xamarin

Choose the right tool for cross-platform development. Review the pros and cons of Cordova, Ionic, React Native, Titanium, and Xamarin.

Cloud Computing with IBM Bluemix

Explore the services from Bluemix, the PaaS offering from IBM Cloud.

Cloud Native Development with Node.js, Docker, and Kubernetes

Build apps that leverage all that the cloud has to offer. Learn how to package a Node.js app with Docker, deploy it to Kubernetes, and enhance it with cloud native capabilities.

CLR Assembly Runtime Loading for Developers

Learn about using common language runtime for loading assemblies, consulting the global assemble cache (GAC), examining codebase hints, handling assembly resolution, and more.

CLR Bytecode for Developers

Learn about Common Language Runtime (CLR) bytecode, and discover how to use it to manage virtual machines in Windows applications.

CLR Memory Management for Developers

Learn about .NET memory management, and discover how to use the common language runtime's garbage collector to manage the allocation and release of memory for an application.

CLR Reflection for Developers

Learn how to use Reflection to obtain information about loaded CLR assemblies and the types defined within them, such as classes, interfaces, and value types.