کاتالوگ دوره‌ها


نمایش 961 تا 980 مورد از کل 1,168 مورد.

Responsive Layout 2.0

Learn how to leverage recent advances in CSS to more efficiently build sites with a single design that adapts readily to different screens and environments.

Responsive Typography Techniques

Learn how to create typography that's beautiful, functional, and easily scalable across tablets, phones, and computers of all types and sizes.

RESTful Service with JAX-RS 2.0

Learn how to develop a simple RESTful web service and REST client with the Java EE JAX-RS 2.0 API.

reveal.js: Online Presentations

Build slideshows that harness the full power of the web with reveal.js.

Robot Framework Test Automation: Jenkins CI and Git Version Control

Incorporate version control and automated continuous testing into your Robot Framework skillset with Git and Jenkins.

Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 1 (Selenium)

Learn how the free, open source, Robot Framework test automation platform can make test automation easier, faster, and more effective than creating a custom test automation framework.

Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

Learn intermediate and advanced test automation techniques for Robot Framework, an open-source, keyword-driven test automation framework.

Robot Framework Test Automation: Sauce Labs

Learn how to get an existing Robot Framework Selenium script to run on the Sauce Labs browser cloud.

Robotic Process Automation: Tech Primer

Learn the technical skills needed to get started in robotic process automation (RPA), including flowchart fundamentals, file systems basics, and entry-level programming concepts.

RPA, AI, and Cognitive Tech for Leaders

Learn what C-suite executives need to know to navigate the digital operations landscape, filter out the noise, and digitize their organization using RPA, ML, analytics, and AI.

RPA: Automation Anywhere

Learn how to automating repetitive tasks using Automation Anywhere—the enterprise-grade robotic process automation (RPA) software.

RPA: Automation Anywhere IQ Bot

Learn how to automate business processes using IQ Bot—the cognitive automation software that bridges the gap between traditional robotic process automation (RPA) and AI.

Ruby Essential Training: 1 The Basics

Learn the fundamentals of Ruby, the popular object-oriented programming language, starting with the basics: object types, control structures, code blocks, and defining custom methods

Ruby Essential Training: 2 Classes and Modules

Learn how to define custom classes and modules in Ruby for more efficient, maintainable, and scalable code.

Ruby on Rails 5 Essential Training

Learn the essentials of Ruby of Rails 5. Find out how to create a complete data-driven web application with this elegant and easy-to-learn development framework.

Ruby on Rails 6 Essential Training

Learn how to build dynamic web applications with Ruby on Rails 6, the popular, open-source framework.

Ruby on Rails 6 Essential Training: Models and Associations

Speed up and improve your development of full-featured web applications. Explore built-in features of models and associations in Ruby on Rails and apply these to a sample project.

Ruby on Rails 6: Controllers and Views

Learn how to build smarter controllers and better looking webpages with Ruby on Rails 6.

Ruby: Files, Formats, Templates

Use Ruby to interact with the file system. Learn how to read and write to files, import and export data, create reusable templates, and find and organize files and directories.

Ruby: Testing with RSpec

Learn how to use RSpec, the Ruby testing framework that can help developers be more productive, write better code, and reduce bugs during development.