Course catalog


Showing 21-40 of 193 items.

Ambition 2025 - Leading digital solutions for Africa's progress

Ambition 2025 - Leading digital solutions for Africa's progress

Better cybersecurity starts with honesty and accountability

In this practical talk, cybersecurity expert Nadya Bartol brings this crucial topic out into the open, lifting the shame around tech mistakes and offering creative ways to celebrate and reward good cybersecurity habits at work and beyond.

Compliance Training

Compliance isn’t only about preventing problems and ensuring that everyone is abiding by laws, rules, and regulations. It’s also about the positive impact a robust and ethical compliance program can have on a business or organization. In this course we will discuss why compliance is important – from the needs facing businesses in highly regulated industries to avoiding fines and penalties to preventing reputational and economic nightmares. You’ll be able to think about risk management in new ways and apply strategies to manage it.

Coronavirus monitor awareness

آشنایی با ویروس کرونا و مراقبت های لازم جهت پیشگیری از ابتلا به ویروس