Course catalog


Showing 81-100 of 193 items.

Khan Khan stories

This is Khan Khan, He works in MTNIrancell marketing division! watch these videos to know more about his experiences in iLearn ...

Linux Academy Prometheus Deep Dive

This course will provide an in-depth look at the Prometheus open-source monitoring and alerting tool. We will discuss how to install, configure, and run the various components of the Prometheus ecosystem. We will talk about how to monitor systems and applications with Prometheus, how to query Prometheus data, and how to build visual representations of metric data. We will also cover advanced topics such as high availability, federation, and the use of Prometheus client libraries to add monitoring capabilities to your own code. This course is designed to provide you with an in-depth knowledge of Prometheus that will allow you to succeed with Prometheus in the real world.

Managing Business Ethics

Ethics is about behavior, so it can be taught and learned. The Business Ethics E Learning is a three module course including a number of short videos through which you can obtain useful information. The definitions of ethics and organizational ethics, ethical dilemmas and making decisions in such situation are only parts of the course.

Mobile World Congress 2018

Mobile is creating a better future, and we want you to be a part of it. Mobile World Congress 2018 will once again take place at Fira Gran Via with selected events, including 4YFN, taking place at Fira Montjuïc.

MTN CVM Playbook Version 4.0

Best practice guide for all MTN CVM Practitioners

Navigating difficult conversations

We all tend to put off difficult conversations because of the intensity and complexity of the emotions they arouse – both for the manager initiating the conversation and for the person they are speaking with. Fear of how people will react and whether you will be able to handle their reactions, feelings of vulnerability or concern about a loss of control can make us all reluctant to raise an issue face to face. You may even be concerned that you will not be supported by senior managers, your HR department and/or other colleagues if you take steps to address sensitive issues. However, by adopting the right approach, preparing yourself carefully and developing the right skills, mindset and behaviour, you will be able maximise your ability to handle the conversation effectively and steer it to a successful conclusion acceptable to all involved.

Outlook 2016: Find an email

Get tips, tricks, and keyboard shortcuts that will increase your efficiency with Outlook 2016.

Outlook 2016: Use Quick Steps

Quick Steps can save you time in Microsoft Outlook by helping you quickly manage each individual message.

Outlook 2016:Reminding tasks by outlook

Many people keep a list of things to do — on paper, in a spreadsheet, or by using a combination of paper and electronic methods. In Outlook, you can combine your various lists into one list, enhanced with reminders and tracking.