Course catalog


Showing 4,261-4,280 of 9,133 items.

iOS App Development: Accessibility

Explore the different accessibility technologies that are built into iOS, and learn how to build apps that all users—regardless of their needs and abilities—can access.

iOS App Development: Core ML

This course provides an introduction to the Core ML framework, and the advantages of using machine learning models, computer vision, and natural language processing in modern apps.

iOS App Development: Design Patterns for Mobile Architecture

Learn different mobile design patterns and architectural models to simplify iOS app development and build more scalable, maintainable enterprise applications.

iOS App Development: Essential Courses

Start a career or a sideline building iOS apps. Learn about the tools, language choices, and high-level concepts behind iOS app development, and find the training to learn more.

iOS App Development: RESTful Web Services

Review the key concepts you need to know to create queries to a RESTful JSON server API.

iOS App Development: Test-Driven Development

Learn to write flexible, modular, and high-quality Swift code for your iOS apps with test-driven development tools and techniques.

iOS Core Bluetooth for Developers

Discover how to use the Core Bluetooth framework from Apple to detect BLE devices, connect to them, and read and write their data.

iOS Development Tips Weekly

Create faster, more reliable, and better-looking apps for iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch. Get weekly iOS development tips to improve the way you code with Xcode and Swift.

iOS Development: Architecture

Explore the fundamental concepts behind iOS application architecture and design best practices.

iOS Development: Auto Layout Programmatically

Learn how to use Auto Layout programmatically to create user interfaces for multiple iOS devices.

iOS Development: Security

Learn about building secure iOS apps. Discover how to safeguard your apps from current and future threats using the keychain, biometrics, asymmetric cryptography, and more.

iOS Development: Siri Shortcuts

Automate common tasks with Siri Shortcuts. Learn how to implement Siri Shortcuts using NSUserActivity, as well as by creating custom intents.

iOS Development: Threading and Grand Central Dispatch

Get up and running with Grand Central Dispatch. Learn how to put code or tasks on threads to speed up your iOS app and make it more responsive to users.

iOS Lean Controllers: 1 Setup, Persistent Data, and Implementation

Learn how to implement lean controllers in iOS applications. Learn about the setup process and how to work with persistent data, data managers, data providers, and data sources.

iOS Lean Controllers: 2 Controls, Views, Extensions, and Networking

Develop custom controls for iOS apps. Learn about using initializers, passing data from providers and sources, implementing controllers, using protocol extensions, and more.

IoT Development with Windows 10 IoT Core 1: Installation and Basic Connection

Discover how to use Windows 10 IoT Core to develop Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Learn how to build a simple hardware breadboard setup to validate your development environment.

IoT Development with Windows 10 IoT Core 2: Enabling the Cloud and Security

Discover how to a build a full Internet of Things (IoT) device—complete with effectors, sensors, and cloud connectivity—using Windows 10 IoT Core.

IoT Foundations: Device Management

Learn about the basics of IoT/M2M device management, and discover how to build smart objects that are easy to maintain and troubleshoot.

IoT Foundations: Fundamentals

Learn what the Internet of Things is, and how it works from a technical standpoint.

IoT Foundations: Low-Power Wireless Networking

Explore the key technologies and foundations of low-power wireless networking for IoT.