کاتالوگ دورهها
نمایش 6,081 تا 6,100 مورد از کل 9,133 مورد.
Motion Graphics Loops: 1 Photoshop Techniques
Learn how to create looping animations (including animated GIFs) for motion graphics and web design using Adobe Photoshop.
Motion Graphics Loops: 2 After Effects Techniques
Learn how to create looping animations (and animated GIFs) for motion graphics and web design using Adobe After Effects.
Motion Graphics Loops: 3 Analog Techniques, the Phonotrope
Learn how to create a Phonotrope—a looping animation for motion graphics or web design—using a record player, Adobe Photoshop, and After Effects.
Motion Graphics Weekly
Transform shapes, icons, and text into compelling motion graphics. Discover techniques to take your animation skills to the next level using Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects.
Motion: Principles of Motion Graphics (209437)
In Motion: Principles of Motion Graphics, instructor Ian Robinson covers the core concepts and techniques used to create real-world motion graphic elements in Apple Motion. Throughout the course, Ian breaks down motion graphics into smaller groups of applied techniques. For example, he covers traditional typography and then shows how to take those theories and apply them specifically to motion graphics. He also covers essential editing and animation tools and techniques such as keyframes, simulations, and transitions, as well as Apple-Motion-specific concepts such as particles and the Replicator.
Motivating and Engaging Employees
Learn how to motivate and engage employees—a key management skill for leaders that want to increase productivity, employee retention, and the bottom line.
Motivating Your Team to Learn
Find out how to motivate your team to learn. Discover 10 tips for engaging adult learners and increasing the effectiveness and interactivity of your training.
Moving Past Change Fatigue to the Growth Edge (230058)
Disruption creates opportunities. When employees and leaders are mired in a crisis, they often find innovative ways to tackle old processes. But how can organizations sustain the pace of change without triggering burnout? In this course, instructor Charlene Li shows you how, explaining how to stretch people to reach for audacious growth without stressing them out. Charlene shares how to define clear boundaries, so that teams feel comfortable leaving their comfort zone and working at the edge. She identifies the critical structures and processes to put in place to create growth with stability. Plus, she shares tips for combatting change fatigue, including how to set stretch goals and keep the focus on your future customers.
Moving Your Class Online Quickly and Efficiently
Discover how to quickly transfer your face-to-face class to an online learning environment. Learn how to curate course resources, maximize student engagement, and more.
Mudbox 2016 Essential Training
Artists: Get everything you need to get the most out Mudbox, including its sculpting, texture painting, and concept visualization tools.
Multi Module Build Automation with Maven
Learn how to manage multi-module projects with Apache Maven, the Java build automation and project management tool.
Multi-Camera Video Production and Post
Learn how to organize and run multicamera video productions, and use tools such as Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro to fine-tune the results.
Multi-Platform Video Producing
Learn how to deliver video content to multiple platforms simultaneously, including web, large screens, mobile screens, and more.
Multi-Shot Photo Techniques in Photoshop and Lightroom (226012)
You may be a master of editing single photos, but multi-shot photo techniques like panos, HDR, and focus stacks present some unique challenges. In this course, graphic designer Nigel French shows you all the basics of using Lightroom, Photoshop and Bridge to achieve great results with techniques that use multiple shots. Beginning with panoramas. Nigel walks you through shooting panoramas, then explains how to create them in Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, and Adobe Camera RAW (ACR). He discusses different projections, common problems that can occur, and some unexpected uses of panoramas, including making an Instagram carousel. Then Nigel moves on to creating HDR images in Lightroom Classic, Photoshop, and ACR. After covering several practical techniques to stack, blend, and combine layers, Nigel concludes with additional effects that you can achieve by stacking layers.
Multinational Communication in the Workplace
Learn how to address the cultural and linguistic challenges that crop up in international workplaces. Discover tips for effectively communicating with your multinational team.
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (Blinkist)
Discover the qualities that set good leaders apart from bad ones. In this audiobook summary, learn practical leadership strategies you can implement to empower your team.
Multithreaded Programming in C#
Learn how to use threading to perform concurrent processes in C#.
Muse Essential Training
Learn how to create your own websites with Muse, the innovative, intuitive web design tool from the makers of Photoshop and Illustrator.
Music Law: Copyrighting a Song
Learn how to get and protect copyrights for your songs, and understand the critical language, concepts, and business aspects of music copyright.