کاتالوگ دورهها
نمایش 8,061 تا 8,080 مورد از کل 9,133 مورد.
Ten Tips for the C# Developer
Discover tips for improving your workflows in C# development. Even experienced programmers might have missed these hidden or interesting methods that help you write better code.
Test Automation Foundations
Get started in test automation. Learn how to integrate automated testing into your QA or DevOps workflow.
Test Automation with Python: 1 Introduction to Automated Testing (220402)
The Test Automation with Python series from Headspin University is designed to teach automation skills and tools for testing applications in Appium and Selenium, the world's most popular UI automation tools. But before getting into the automation itself, this first course delves into the concept of testing, from the etymology of the word, to how to design useful tests for your software. While using software as it is meant to be run seems like an obvious test, it’s also helpful and necessary to imagine conditions for the software that its developers might not have thought about. The history of automation is also covered, highlighting the fact that most software is in fact a form of automation. After this course, you’ll have a solid foundation of automated testing and be ready to move on to the next course in the series.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Test Automation with Python: 10 Additional Appium Modes and Features (226369)
This installment of the Test Automation with Python takes a look at scaling your test suite so that you can run multiple tests at a time. Eventually your test suite will grow large enough that waiting for tests to complete one by one just doesn’t make sense. This course covers the complications that come with running multiple tests in parallel and details what you need to successfully run your test suite. And while running your tests in an isolated environment is an important part of the process, this course demonstrates the importance of testing them out in a continuous integration environment as well. The course finishes with techniques for debugging your tests, along with best practices for speed, reliability, and maintainability in your test suite.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Test Automation with Python: 2 Python for Testers (220419)
This second course in the Test Automation with Python series focuses on writing code to automate software testing. As opposed to no-code tests where you record your actions in an app for later playback, writing code for automation gives you more flexibility in many cases, such as when a small change to the app causes the testing process to change. This course also explains the choice of Python as the programming language. While Java is probably the most popular language used with Selenium and Appium, it can lead to unnecessary complexity and confusion unless you know it well. Python, meanwhile, is powerful, simple, and expressive, and in some ways is more flexible in terms of executing UI test automation. This course walks you through the entire process, from installing Python, to writing your first script, all the way through completion, testing, and troubleshooting your code.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Test Automation with Python: 4 The WebDriver Automation Architecture (233067)
Used correctly, Appium and Selenium can be a powerful force for testing web and mobile apps. This course is part of a series from HeadSpin University that walks you through fundamental concepts of software testing, programming, and ultimately UI automation with Appium and Selenium. This course specifically covers the WebDriver protocol and how you can use it with Appium and Selenium. Learn about the client/server architecture of WebDriver, REST APIs, protocol extensions and clients in Appium, as well as drivers in both Appium and Selenium.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Test Automation with Python: 5 Web Browser Automation with Selenium (234835)
Used correctly, Appium and Selenium can be a powerful force for testing web and mobile apps. This course is part of a series from HeadSpin University that walks you through fundamental concepts of software testing, programming, and ultimately UI automation with Appium and Selenium. This course specifically covers installation and setup. The course begins with how to set up a working Java environment on your development machine. It explores how to download, install, and set up your development environment for Selenium, as well as how to get Appium set up in your local environment. With coding dependencies installed, the course concludes with how to set up your coding environment and start coding your app with Appium and Selenium.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Test Automation with Python: 9 Designing Your Test Suite (234070)
In this installment of the Test Automation with Python, the focus turns from automation to testing. Learn what it means to think like a tester and how to design and run tests on the automation you’ve created with Appium. Key topics covered include knowing what to test so you can run your tests more efficiently, setting up a test runner, working with the page object model, and testing the capabilities of your app on multiple platforms.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Note: This course was created by HeadSpin University. We are pleased to host this training in our library.
Test Prep: GRE
Study effectively for the GRE. This GRE test prep course prepares you for the analytical writing, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning sections of the exam.
Test-Driven Development in C++
Discover how to develop strong, tested C++ code with unit testing and test-driven development.
Test-Driven Development in Django
Learn how to build Django applications using test-driven development.
Test-Driven Infrastructure with Chef
Learn how to develop test-driven infrastructure with Chef. Learn how to perform integration testing and unit testing with ChefDK tools such as Test Kitchen, InSpec, and ChefSpec.
Text Analytics and Predictions with Python Essential Training
Learn about the techniques for analyzing text data in Python and perform machine learning and predictions.
Text Analytics and Predictions with R Essential Training
Learn about the tools and techniques for analyzing text data in R and discover how to perform machine learning and predictions.
Textured Type Techniques
Learn three analog techniques for creating textured typography: hand-cut type, transfer-textured type, and type with a chalky or hand-drawn look.
Texturing a Game Asset in Blender
Learn how to texture game assets—or any other 3D models—in Blender, the open-source 3D rendering software.
The 10 Essentials of Influence and Persuasion (216169)
In today's fast paced, constantly changing workplace, so much of our success comes down to our ability to influence colleagues, persuade co-workers, and get clients and customers to say yes to our ideas, proposals, and requests. But how can you become a more effective persuader? In this course, international best-selling author and persuasion researcher Steve Martin offers up ten proven ways to ethically and practically improve your ability to influence and persuade others at work, at home, and online. Join Steve as he shares his valuable information and action-orientated insights to help you develop and maximize your powers of influence and persuasion and get ready to hear more of the word "yes."
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding (Blinkist Summary) (217682)
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding is a practical, hands-on guide to the dos and don'ts of branding as expressed by 22 simple laws: the Law of Expansion, the Law of Contraction, the Law of Quantity, and more. These laws illuminate the all-too-common mistakes made by marketers and showcase the tricks of the trade used by the most successful brands to assert their dominance in ultra-competitive markets. Discover how to narrow your focus for maximum impact, grow intelligently, build trust, develop a powerful logo and brand name, and even reinvent a brand. With these tips, you can build your company, product, or service into a world-class, world-wide brand.
Note: This audiobook summary was produced by Blinkist. We are pleased to host this content in our library.
Note: This audiobook summary was produced by Blinkist. We are pleased to host this content in our library.