Course catalog


Showing 241-260 of 1,168 items.

COBOL Essential Training

Get acquainted with the basics of COBOL, a legacy programming language that powers everything from ATM machines to government operations.

Code Clinic: C

Practice coding with C. Explore common C programming challenges, and then compare the results with other programming languages in the Code Clinic series.

Code Clinic: C#

Explore solutions to common C# programming challenges—and compare the results with other programming languages—in this installment of the Code Clinic series.

Code Clinic: C++

Practice coding with C++. Explore solutions to common C++ programming challenges, and compare the results with other programming languages in the Code Clinic series.

Code Clinic: Clojure

Practice coding with Clojure. Explore common Clojure programming challenges, and then compare the results with other training courses in the Code Clinic series.

Code Clinic: Java

Practice coding with Java. Explore solutions to common programming challenges and compare them with other languages in the Code Clinic series.

Code Clinic: JavaScript

Explore solutions to common JavaScript programming challenges, and then compare the results with other programming languages in the Code Clinic series.

Code Clinic: Python

Practice coding with Python. Explore common Python programming challenges, and then compare the results with other programming languages in the Code Clinic series.

Code Clinic: R

Practice coding with R. Explore common R programming challenges, and then compare the results with other programming languages in the Code Clinic series.

Code Clinic: Swift

Practice coding with Swift. Take on six Swift programming challenges and compare them with other languages in the Code Clinic series.

Collaborative Design: Vision and Strategy

Successful projects involve collaboration with clients. Learn how attentive listening, thoughtful questions, and a clear process can lead to a unified plan for your designs.

Computer Science Principles Lab: C#

Learn how the principles and concepts of programming specifically work in C# and learn how to code in C# to build desktop, tablet, mobile, and web apps.

Computer Science Principles Lab: Java

Learn how to apply computer-programming principles to Java, the language for coding cross-compatible web, mobile, and desktop applications.

Computer Science Principles Lab: JavaScript

Experiment with JavaScript, one of the most popular languages for web programming, in our hands-on JavaScript programming lab.

Computer Science Principles: Digital Information

Learn how digital information is stored, transmitted, and encoded by computers. This course covers the first part of the AP Computer Science Principles exam.

Computer Science Principles: Programming

Enrich your understanding of programming principles. This course explains functions, values, variables, parameters, tests, loops, arrays, object-oriented programming, and more.

Computer Science Principles: The Internet

Explore the internet's history and the technology underlying the web, including IP addressing, web servers, URLs, and HTML.

Consuming RESTful APIs in PHP with Guzzle

Learn how to consume REST APIs using Guzzle, a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and integrate with web services.

Continuous Delivery with Azure DevOps

Learn how to use Azure DevOps to create a continuous delivery pipeline and achieve a faster time to market for your organization.

Continuous Delivery with GitLab

Learn how to install and use GitLab, a popular open-source alternative to tools like GitHub and Bitbucket, for version control and CI/CD.