کاتالوگ دوره‌ها


نمایش 921 تا 940 مورد از کل 1,168 مورد.

Python Projects

Strengthen your understanding of Python by tackling a series of hands-on projects. Learn how to translate classic design patterns into Python and create a Python Windows service.

Python Quick Start

Get a fast-paced introduction to Python. Learn the basics of Python, including data types, functions, and control flow, and decide if it’s the right language for your projects.

Python Standard Library Essential Training

Learn how to leverage the pre-built code in the Python Standard Library to make building applications with Python even easier.

Python: Advanced Design Patterns

Explore some advanced design patterns as applied to Python. This course helps you examine how these patterns work at the code level by walking through sample scripts.

Python: Decorators

Learn how to use decorators to add functionality to your Python projects.

Python: Design Patterns

Explore 15 essential design patterns that will help you solve common coding challenges in Python.

Python: Programming Efficiently

Cut down on development time by writing Python code in an efficient manner. Learn about helpful third-party packages, strategies for improving code performance, and more.

Python: Working with Predictive Analytics

Find out how to use prebuilt Python libraries for predictive analytics and discover insights about the future.

Python: XML, JSON, and the Web

Learn how to use Python to send, retrieve, and deliver data, such as XML and JSON, over the web.

Rapid Application Development with Python

Learn how to quickly develop Python graphical user interface (GUI) apps using the wxPython library, which brings the wxWidgets capability to Python, and the wxGlade tool.

Raspberry Pi Essential Training

Kick-start your journey into the world of physical computing by learning how to set up, configure, and experiment with a Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi Weekly

Get tips and tricks for working with Raspberry Pi. Learn how to create cool electronics projects without a lot of money or time.

Raspberry Pi: GPIO

Learn how to identify pins on the Raspberry Pi GPIO and program them to control lights and motors, read data from sensors, and interact with the Internet of Things.

Raspberry Pi: Home Monitoring and Control

Build a Raspberry Pi home monitoring system in this DIY electronics project. Learn to monitor your house remotely, detect motion, and even turn lights on and off.

React for Web Designers

Learn how to incorporate React in real-world web designs. Discover how to manage real-time data, interact with external APIs, and more.

React Native Ecosystem and Workflow

Work smarter with React Native. Discover how to leverage resources such as UI libraries, backend options, and testing libraries.

React Native Essential Training

Discover how to build production-ready, native mobile apps on both iOS and Android using React Native.

React Native: Building Mobile Apps

Create native mobile apps—with native performance—using React Native, Firebase, and MobX.

React: Building Large Apps

Build bigger and bolder applications. Explore tools and techniques for large-scale app development with React.

React: Building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Learn to use React to create progressive web applications that combine features for offline use and network resilience.