Course catalog


Showing 101-120 of 1,168 items.

AngularJS 1: Adding Registration to Your Application

Create a simple registration system that allows users to log in and out of your web applications with AngularJS and Firebase.

AngularJS 1: Building a Data-Driven App

Learn how Angular works in the real world. Find out how to enhance an existing user registration app with new views and controllers to interact with real-time data streams.

AngularJS 1: Form Validation

Learn how to implement dynamic form validation on any HTML form using the built-in validation properties and methods in AngularJS.

AngularJS 1.x Tips and Tricks

Learn lesser known facts about AngularJS 1.x that can help you build better applications.

AngularJS: Scope and Digest

Explore scope and the digest cycle. This advanced course explores manual and automatic data binding approaches for AngularJS applications.

Ansible Essential Training

Make IT automation more efficient and scalable with Ansible. Learn techniques to reuse functionality with roles, encrypt data, support idempotence, and manage systems at scale.

Apache Cordova: Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

Develop cross-platform apps using standard web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and Apache Cordova.

API Development in .NET with GraphQL

Learn how to use the GraphQL.NET framework to build a GraphQL endpoint. Discover how to create a GraphQL project, configure the schema, allow updates through mutations, and more.

API Test Automation with SoapUI

Learn how to leverage SoapUI to fully automate testing of APIs.

API Testing and Validation

Learn how to validate and test your API to ensure it's working as intended and solving business problems.

API Testing Foundations

Learn the basics of API testing. Discover how to use several robust tools for testing APIs at scale in an organization.

Apollo Client State with React

Discover how to manage client-side state using Apollo with React. Learn how to configure and query client state, mutate client state, mutate the cache, and more.

App Center: Continuous Integration and Delivery for iOS

Learn when and how to leverage Visual Studio App Center to automate and manage the lifecycle of an iOS application.

App Development for Microsoft HoloLens

Learn how to program the future. Get started developing virtual reality and augmented reality HoloLens applications for enterprise business and gaming.

Apple watchOS 7 App Development Essential Training

Learn how to develop and deploy a native Apple Watch application using watchOS 7 and SwiftUI.

Apple watchOS App Development: Advanced APIs

Learn how to expand your existing watchOS skills. Use advanced APIs to add motion, connectivity, maps, animation, and gesture support to paired watchOS applications.

AR for iOS Developers: RealityKit and Reality Composer

Learn how to create AR apps with RealityKit and use Reality Composer, a new app for iOS and Mac that makes it easy to create interactive AR experiences with no prior 3D experience.

AR for Mobile Developers

Learn more about what AR is and how to approach an AR project for mobile development. Learn how to determine if your project is a good fit, review popular AR tools, and more.

Arduino: Prototyping

Go beyond the basics and learn what it takes to develop iterative hardware prototypes using Arduino.

Arduino: Pulse Width Modulation

Power your DIY electronics projects with Arduino and pulse width modulation. Learn how to program servos, motors, and LEDs to react to the world around them.