Course catalog


Showing 141-160 of 351 items.

Ebooks: Distributing and Marketing

Learn about ebook trends and tools; book distribution and marketing resources; and publishing fundamentals that will help your ebook compete with the professionals.

Eddie Opara on His Influences Design Process and Joining Pentagram

An interview with designer Eddie Opara, founder of the Map Office, partner at Pentagram, and creator of innovative motion graphics, brand identities, art installations, and more.

Editing Ebooks

After layout, learn how to edit, validate, and polish the HTML, CSS, or other components of your electronic book before publication.

Empathy in Business: Design for Success

Discover the impact empathy can have on you and your business. This course shows how powerful empathy can be in society, design, and communications.

EPUB Accessibility Using InDesign

Learn how to create cleaner, more accessible ebooks using Adobe InDesign.


CSS is the best and most flexible way to visually present ebooks. Learn how to style your EPUBs—including text, graphics, and background elements—exactly as you want with CSS.

Esri ArcGIS Maps for Creative Cloud Extension

Learn how to design with data-driven maps inside Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop using the ArcGIS Maps for Creative Cloud extension from Esri.

Evan Cheng Character Designer

Evan Cheng, character designer for Sesame Workshop, explains how a daily drawing practice and an alter ego helped him evolve his artwork and his career.

F2 Design: Letterpress Printing and Poster Design

Watch Dirk Fowler, founder of F2 Design, design and print one of his evocative music posters, and explain the importance of making something by hand every day.

Fast Easy Cover Design

Learn fast and easy techniques for designing more striking, easy to read, and versatile covers for books, magazines, brochures, and more.

Figure Drawing: Tonal Rendering

Discover how to enhance the dimensionality and drama of your figure drawings using tonal rendering techniques.

Flexible Systems for Visual Identities

Learn how to create a flexible visual identity system that can communicate a brand at any size, in any format.

Font Management Essential Training

Take control of your fonts. Find out how to organize, purchase, install, and manage fonts on Mac and Windows.

FrameMaker 2017 Essential Training

Author and publish technical content with Adobe FrameMaker. Learn how to add and format text, customize page layouts, generate books and indexes, and use conditional text.

frog's FEMA Disaster Relief Innovation

Find out how the design firm frog helped FEMA create a plan for a community-run disaster relief program in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

GIMP Essential Training

Learn how to perform basic image editing techniques such as cropping, resizing, masking, and retouching in GIMP, the popular open-source image editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

GMUNK's 3D-Rendered Geometric Art Series: Start to Finish

Bradley G Munkowitz, aka GMUNK, explains how he makes his op-art-inspired geometric prints by using 3D tools in entirely new ways.

Graphic Design Careers: First Steps

Want to become a graphic designer? Discover the most crucial skills, tools, and techniques for graphic designers today, and where to find training to kick-start your career.

Graphic Design Foundations: Color

Learn the properties of color, and how to use it to tell stories, create moods, draw attention, and add new possibilities to your creative toolbox.

Graphic Design Foundations: Ideas, Concepts, and Form

Find inspiration in a course on the genesis of design ideas. Explore topics such as metaphors, humor, typography, iconography, imagery, and more.